Now, I know some people are probably going to take offense to this but you all know I don't give a___!
Question? Why is it that some "overweight" person always has something to say about people who actually weigh what they are supposed to weigh? Please tell me why this is? Now, I have always been a relatively thin person and chances are will always be thin, it's just in my genes, but why should I always get slack for it.
Skinny women are always the butt of a fat person's jokes until that same damn joke is turned around on they ass. Let a skinny person start saying what's really on their mind when a heavy weight starts clownin' and see how they like it. Chances are they won't and you'll be guaranteed a fight.
Now, I sometimes don't know how to say things in a joking jester kind of way to get my points across. I usually tell it straight like it is and end up being disliked for not saying something the "right" way. Do I care, not really, but I don't like it when someone who could stand to loose a few or a lot of pounds, I should say, is always doggin' me because in all reality they wish they could look this good. Not to be conceited or anything but it's the truth.