Monday, September 28, 2009

A Touchy Subject!

Now, I know some people are probably going to take offense to this but you all know I don't give a___!

Question? Why is it that some "overweight" person always has something to say about people who actually weigh what they are supposed to weigh? Please tell me why this is? Now, I have always been a relatively thin person and chances are will always be thin, it's just in my genes, but why should I always get slack for it.

Skinny women are always the butt of a fat person's jokes until that same damn joke is turned around on they ass. Let a skinny person start saying what's really on their mind when a heavy weight starts clownin' and see how they like it. Chances are they won't and you'll be guaranteed a fight.

Now, I sometimes don't know how to say things in a joking jester kind of way to get my points across. I usually tell it straight like it is and end up being disliked for not saying something the "right" way. Do I care, not really, but I don't like it when someone who could stand to loose a few or a lot of pounds, I should say, is always doggin' me because in all reality they wish they could look this good. Not to be conceited or anything but it's the truth.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Stupid Tenants

I'm just going to start off my saying I HATE APARTMENTS. I think they are one of the worst ideas ever created. Why would someone decide to build a lot of mini homes beside one another, on top of one another or behind one another is beside me. I should not be able to hear when my fellow tenant uses and flushes their toilet, takes a shower, has a conversation at 6 in the morning or which room they are in.

It is 6 o'clock in the morning and I have already heard every complaint I just listed of my newly found upstairs neighbors. This is only my second time living in an apartment and it will definitely be my last especially living downstairs which I'm beginning to find out is a freaking nightmare.

This is also one of the newly found reasons why I can't stomach most people. Most people have no sense of decency or consideration for others. When you live basically right in the next room you should automatically be aware that playing music at 1 o'clock in the morning is going to disturb and relatively piss someone off particularly your neighbor. Do these people care? Of course not, they just live in their own little bubbles and think the world revolves around them. Okay, maybe that was a stretch but I am the type of person who likes their sleep specifically when most of the western world is asleep. Hopefully trouble or irritation, more like it, won't last always or I won't be the only one not getting any sleep.

Friday, June 5, 2009

To Wax or Not To Wax?

If you had asked me a month ago do I wax I would have said, 'Hell to the NO' but today I believe it's one of the best inventions ever created!

Before I had heard all of these horror stories about how much waxing hurt. Someone even told me that waxing felt like a million bee stings. Well, I recently had been researching how I could take care of my underarm skin better because for the longest time I've been dealing with razor burn, irritation and discoloration, which is not an easy thing to deal with. So, I came upon some information about waxing and it said that it would help take care of those common problems and that you should have it done by a professional.

Even though I was scared out of my mind, I contacted a local spa and went in to have my pits waxed. To make an already long story shorter, I now am a huge fan of waxing. Not only did it not hurt, only a little, to my surprise it has really helped lighten the skin area and I have no more irritation.

I would highly recommend it!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Our President

Okay, I'm not a relationship expert but I know a little about marriages. I just heard on the news, which I can't believe it's even news, that people are talking about the fact that our President and his wife's marriage may have once been in trouble. Anyone who is married knows that marriages are tough and what couple hasn't gone through some rough times? Show me one that hasn't and I'll show you a liar!

We all need to focus on our own marriages and relationships and stop nit-picking everything in someone else's life. There's an old saying/song that says: 'Sweep around you own front door before you try to sweep around mine'.

Amen to that!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fashionable Statement

This spring, plaids along with gingham and other prints are everywhere. Don't have the cash for that designer label plaid blouse that you spotted at that boutique you love so much, well opt for a discount yet fashionable statement at Wal-Mart. Yes, I said it, Wal-Mart. Renowned Fashion Designer Norma Kamali's line for Wal-Mart has the perfect navy and white plaid, sleeveless blouse for only $15 for you recessionistas out there.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Black & White

Question. Why do you think Black men date White women?

Well, from what I have observed over the years, some Black men choose white over black because of the lack of tolerance and appreciation for their black counterparts. Black women are known to be very strong and they may, to some, be perceived as angry and have "bad" attitudes. This is not always so true.

Personally, I do not have a problem with Black men dating white women. When I see them together I really feel sorry for the woman because little does she know that Black man may not necessarily be with her because she just so happens to be intelligent, ambitious, independent and beautiful. He's with her because he thinks she is a push over, doesn't talk back, timid, and will stroke his ego whenever he needs it.

Those types of Black men do not feel that they have received that from a black woman. They believe Black women "talk back" as they like to call it. I call it standing up to them when they try to force their egotistic and chauvinist ways upon them.

I know that sometimes we Black women can be a force to reckon with but that does not have to be a negative connotation. It just means that we are a bit more challenging and deserve men that are not intimidated by that strength.

Don't get me wrong white women. I'm not saying that White women are passive or weak, on the contrary. I know a lot of Caucasion women who do stand up for themselves and have what I call a little 'talk back' in them like us Black sistas. Just keep in mind the real reasons why some Black men date white women.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just how committed can a Black man be?

I ask the question, 'Just how committed can a Black man be?' because honestly if you asked yourself this question you may wonder if it's even possible. Is he really expected to be committed whole heartily? I say not really. I mean as a Black woman I feel that I can truly give some insight into this matter because I have lived and seen how Black men conduct themselves in their relationships, whether it be in a both African American relationship or a bi-racial relationship, it doesn't matter.
Now, don't get me wrong I love my good Black men, I have one myself, but there are some things that are just
inescapable and undeniable when it comes to their duty to their wives, if they even marry someone to begin with.
I know I sound like a 'Mad Black Woman', although I have experienced a heartbreak or two, but I just feel that most Black men are just incapable of staying with their families. I think it's all in their make up stemming all the way back to slavery. Back then they had to leave for reasons beyond their control but now they choose to leave the moment they are unhappy, please! as if women are always happy with them. If all the women who were unhappy in their relationships left there would be no such thing as a single mother.