Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Our President

Okay, I'm not a relationship expert but I know a little about marriages. I just heard on the news, which I can't believe it's even news, that people are talking about the fact that our President and his wife's marriage may have once been in trouble. Anyone who is married knows that marriages are tough and what couple hasn't gone through some rough times? Show me one that hasn't and I'll show you a liar!

We all need to focus on our own marriages and relationships and stop nit-picking everything in someone else's life. There's an old saying/song that says: 'Sweep around you own front door before you try to sweep around mine'.

Amen to that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100 percent. And if I might add...it seems to me that our First Couple believes in working through problems and their apparent happiness and respect for each other proves this. So, everyone should stop hating and trying so hard to bring about negative energy on such a positive, decent and real example of love and marriage as is with our President and First Lady!

...This from Lizzie